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电话: 023-67698698-8132
传真: 023-67698691
姓名: Robert
Chongqing Lange Machinery Group Co.,Ltd.

  Chongqing Lange Machinery Group Co., Ltd., also known as Lange Machinery Group (Code: LGMG) is a specialized enterprise group headquartered in China, possessing of two professional groups specializing in the automobile and marine industries respectively. The group is focusing on the design, research and development, and manufacturing activities in the two industries, and is a worldwide systems integrator and supplier of automobile and marine industries. Based on the sustainable development and t

主要产品/业务: Lange Marine Industry consists of manufacturers of several marine systems such as marine power system, marine propulsion system, marine auxiliary machinery, marine electrical system, marine deck machinery, marine mooring system, marine firefighting system

Chongqing Lange Machinery Group Co.,Ltd. / 重庆 / No.65 North Jianxin Road,Jiangbei District,Chongqing (400020) / 电话:023-67698698-8132

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